Guest Personal Injury Law Blogging & Content Marketing – Author Policies

Best Personal Injury Lawyers Legal Guest Blogging

Thanks for your interest in writing a guest post or becoming a guest personal injury law blogger for Accident Claims Blawg. This year we are changing our approach to publishing personal injury related legal content – we are accepting only the best contributions. Please contact us here to find out how you can get published with us today.

High Quality Personal Injury Content Marketing for Law Firms & Lawyers

If you want to share high quality legal content in the areas of personal injury/tort/delict law around the world, including useful legal knowledge and news (whether for PI content marketing purposes, for academic purposes or otherwise), to wide audiences, here are some of the key things you should consider before submitting your post(s) for review by our moderators.

Why Blog on PI Claims Blawg?

There are many reasons why you would want to publish a guest blog post on PIClaimsBlawg:-

  • Reach over 12,000 of our followers on Twitter (follow @PIClaimsBlawg and @WardBlawg) and a wide professional audience on other social networks including LinkedIn, Facebook and Google+.
  • Get your content, brand and your legal services promoted from an established law blogging website, specialising in personal injury law and accident claims news.
  • Share useful personal injury legal information to a large and varied legal and business community across the UK and beyond.
  • Get full credit when your blog post is published.

Get Started Now!

Please contact us here

Timescales on Publications

We are kept very busy with the level of interest in submissions, but if your post isn’t published with a week please let us know – use the contact form on this site. Please note that we are maintaining very high standards of moderation and the strictest possible approach in line with the guidelines below is recommended. Our biggest issue at the moment is with spammers trying to submit poor quality content and adding promotional references in key parts of articles. These will not be tolerated. On the other hand, exceptional quality content is always warmly received – our aim is to publish excellent legal intelligence and news.

Editorial Guidelines for PI Claims Blawg Submissions

  • Blog posts should provide useful legal intelligence (knowledge or news) on relevant personal injury subjects. Posts covering accident claims, tort law, delict, negligence, medical claims, road traffic accidents or other areas of practice are welcome. Our editors were formerly lawyers with experience in PI and can tell useful posts from the not-so-useful ones.
  • Specify the governing law of your article where appropriate e.g. it may apply under Scots law or the laws of England & Wales. It may apply under US law or Australian Law.
  • Blog posts can be of any length but should ideally be over 500 words.
  • Original blog posts are preferred although we are also open to republishing content already published elsewhere if of value to our readership.
  • Use subheadings where appropriate using the H1, H2 and H3 tagging functions.
  • Blog posts are welcome from personal injury lawyers, barristers, injury law firms, law graduates and law students with an interest in personal injury or tort law and also non-lawyers, particularly those looking to ask legal questions – eg how to claim for accident or injury.
  • Respect the copyright in the work of others.
  • Include video and images where relevant if you have the rights to use them. YouTube videos, for instance, can easily be embedded in posts to help improve your posts.
  • Include links to authoritative sources to support your material.
  • If posting affiliate links, please make readers aware that they are such.
  • Include a short professional bio at the beginning or end of your posts.
  • Share your submission with your contacts through your social networks.

What we do not publish

  • We do not publish generic articles unrelated to personal injury law or claims and of no value to our readers.
  • We do not publish articles already published elsewhere unless of value to our readers.

Other Guest Injury Law Blogging Policy Information

  • We reserve the right to reject any blog submitted on reasonable grounds e.g. the post was not on a relevant area of law or if your post was of poor quality.
  • We reserve the right to make changes – Please do not be offended if we suggest amendments to your post. We will notify your of any major changes.
  • We may add internal links where helpful for readers.
  • Authors are permitted to republish their guest law blog posts elsewhere – if so a link to the original post is preferred.

Any queries?

If you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact us via the contact us form on this website.

We look forward to hearing from you.

8 thoughts on “Guest Personal Injury Law Blogging & Content Marketing – Author Policies

  1. Pingback: Top 4 Features of Personal Injury Law Case Management Software

  2. Pingback: Compensation For Head Injury

  3. Pingback: Skilled Insurance Attorneys Win Clients’ Major Claims

  4. Muhammad Wali

    Personal Injury Lawyer
    It’s always different when you or a friend or loved one are involved – it becomes personal and that’s when you need specialist advice from solicitors experienced in personal injury compensation claims. If you complete the contact form, email our offices or call the helpline we will determine the following items at no cost to you :-

    Who was at fault for the accident?

    In some cases it is easy to determine who was to blame, such as a rear end shunt at traffic lights but some car accidents are complex and not at all obvious. If you are involved in a motor vehicle collision never make any admissions to other parties involved and contact us immediately to have the case reviewed. Our car accident solicitors are experienced in reviewing accident situations and will obtain such further evidence as they need to advise you on who was at fault.

    To make a successful claim you need to be able to show that the collision was not your fault and that someone else was responsible. That means that it is necessary to prove negligence. In simple terms negligence is a failure to take reasonable care for the safety of others. Even if you are partly to blame, it is still possible to claim against the other party using the doctrine of ‘contributory negligence’. This means that if the accident was 30% your fault, then any compensation that would otherwise have been paid by the other driver’s insurers on a full liability basis is reduced by 30%. This type of arrangement does of course open the door for the other driver to claim 30% of his full liability damages against your insurers.

    Certain classes of claimant can never be held to contribute including passengers who will always recover damages in full not withstanding that it may have been their own driver, who may be a close relative, who was at fault. One spouse will often make a claim against their husband or wife, if they are injured in an accident caused by their own driver’s negligence. Degrees of family relationship are irrelevant when considering compensation for negligence.

    What can I claim?

    The assessment of damages for pain and suffering in personal injury compensation claims is not simple and straightforward. Money can never adequately compensate for physical injury however Judges use the wisdom of previously decided cases and are guided by a publication from ‘The Judicial Studies Board’ which sets out the basic figures applicable for various types of injury.

    General Damages

    This item relates to the pain and suffering of personal injury. To determine the appropriate award of damages in an accident, car accident solicitors will arrange for you to be examined by a medical consultant (at no cost to you). Compensation for being disadvantaged in the employment market or for having to change lifestyle plus many other wide ranging items may also be compensated.

    Special Damages

    This item relates to specific matters which can be calculated with a degree of accuracy such as loss of earnings (both past and future), cost of medical treatments, travel expenses, loss of personal property damaged in the accident and similar specific expenses such as an excess under a motor insurance policy.

    What if the other driver was not insured?

    A large proportion of UK motor vehicle collisions involve an uninsured driver. In these cases a claim can be made to the Motor Insurers Bureau (MIB) which administers a fund that is contributed to by a levy on all insurance companies. The purpose of the fund is to pay compensation to the victims of uninsured and untraced drivers (hit and run). If a negligent uninsured driver is involved in a motor accident the MIB will settle the victims claim in the normal manner and will pay damages for injury and financial losses and in addition will pay some of the legal costs of the action. It is however necessary to issue legal proceedings in every case and to obtain judgement against the other driver prior to the MIB paying compensation. The MIB will thereafter attempt to recoup the damages paid out by pursuing the uninsured driver, if necessary through the courts to obtain recompense. Motor Insurers Bureau compensation claim settlements are complex issues and can fail at any point if the MIB’s rules are not followed to the letter. It is very much to your advantage to be represented by an experienced car accident solicitor throughout your dealings with the MIB. The MIB will pay your solicitors costs. Any Motor Insurers Bureau compensation claim for property damage is subject to the deduction of a nominal excess which will have to be recovered from the uninsured party directly. If you recover your losses in full from the MIB your no claims bonus will not be affected. In the case of an uninsured driver claim the normal limitation of action rules still apply and in general terms proceedings must be issued within 3 years of the accident occurring or the claim will become statute barred and the opportunity to claim damages will have been lost forever. There are a few exceptions to the general rule including minors and those suffering from mental disability and advice on these matters should always be obtained from a qualified lawyer as soon as possible after an accident.

    What if the other driver is not identified and did not stop?

    Hit and Run drivers are a serious problem and but for the Motor Insurers Bureau compensation claims fund it would be impossible to claim compensation for injury. If the other driver is untraced which sometimes happens in hit and run car accidents then the MIB will only pay compensation for personal injury together with some associated losses. In these cases the MIB do not pay for the legal costs of an application which must be deducted from any compensation awarded. Compensation in these cases is therefore not paid in full. Our car accident solicitors will still deal with the claim on a no win no fee basis and will advise you of the charging arrangements prior to the claim being started.

    Contributory Negligence
    If you have been injured in an accident, within the last three years, that wasn’t your fault our solicitors can help you to make a road traffic accident claim to get the compensation you deserve. Even if you were a driver and the accident was partially your fault we may be able to get you a proportion of the damages that you would otherwise have received on a full liability basis. This concept is known as ‘contributory negligence’ and apportions liability on a percentage basis between the drivers involved in the accident. The blame for an accident may for example be judged to be 60/40 in favour of one of the drivers. In this case each driver would be awarded the relevant percentage of the damages that they would otherwise have been entitled too on a full liability basis. The claims for passengers are unaffected by these apportionments and passengers will usually receive compensation even though it may have been ‘their’ driver who was wholly or partially at fault.

    Car Accident Solicitors
    If you would like no cost legal advice with no further obligation from specialist car accident solicitors, just use the helpline or email our offices. We operate the no win no fee scheme otherwise known as a conditional fee agreement. No legal charge is payable unless the legal case is won and the client obtains an award of compensation. In the event that the legal claim is lost there is no charge made to the client.

    If you have been injured in an accident within the last three years that wasn’t your fault you should contact us. You will receive a complete professional service from lawyers who specialise in claiming compensation for personal injury caused as a result of an accident.


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