Legal Blogs & Guides to Best Lawyers Helping You Claim Compensation for Personal Injury (65,000 visits and counting)

For Personal Injury Claims in the US

For people in the US, we can provide initial useful information and help you find great injury lawyers for accident claims cases like US car accident claims, truck accident claims in America, US motorcycle accident claims, medical malpractice claims in America, and US dog bite claims. We know that personal injury claims in the US can be complicated, but we are here to help you understand your legal rights and give you an initial steer on the best places to look for the legal advice you need.

For Accident Claims in Australia

We can give people in Australia information about the law and help them find great injury lawyers in Australia for car accidents, workplace accident claims in Aus, Australian public liability claims, and medical negligence claims in Australia. We can provide an initial overview of how the legal system works share information about some of the best lawyers available who could help you understand the Australian legal system and how to instruct an Australian personal injury lawyer.

For UK Accident Injury Claims

For those in the UK, our accident claims legal blogs and resources provide legal information and could help you find great UK personal injury lawyers for road traffic accidents, workplace accident claims in the UK, UK-based slips and trips claims, UK medical negligence claims, and accidents abroad claims made by UK citizens.

Our personal injury legal posts can assist you in understanding your legal rights and connecting you with qualified lawyers who can offer you with the legal representation you require.

Welcome to Accident Claims Blawg: Personal Injury Blogs & Advice for the US, Aus & UK

Welcome to Accident Claims Blawg, your go-to source for where to find some of the best legal advice and information on personal injury claims.

People who have been injured in accidents and are thinking about filing a claim for compensation can find useful information on our website. We can help you find some of the best personal injury lawyers in the United States, Australia, or the United Kingdom.

At Accident Claims Blawg we appreciate that going through the personal injury process can be challenging, confusing and have a great impact on your life and livelihood.

Because of this, we’re here to help you get through the legal process and give you some of the initial legal information and guidance you might need. Many injury lawyers offer free consultations, and we note some of the top injury lawyers you may be able to speak to you to help you without any cost or obligation.

You can find helpful information on our website that could help you learn how to choose the best personal injury lawyer for you. We have guides on a wide range of topics, such as how to choose the right lawyer, what questions to ask when choosing an attorney, and how to tell if a personal injury lawyer has the experience and knowledge to handle your case – and indeed much more. If there’s anything you’d like to know more about you can also get in touch through our contact page and we’ll be happy to listen and help plan further legal blogs to answer your queries or reply to you by email.

“many law firms will have a no-win, no-fee policy”

Accident Claims Blawg is a top personal injury law and medical negligence legal blog (guest legal blogging available here), dedicated to providing initial information to help point people who have been injured in accidents in the right direction so that they can both receive the compensation they deserve and recover and move on with their life.

For an example of some of the information that our site contains, it’s worth noting that many law firms will have a no-win, no-fee policy, which means you will pay legal fees only if they win your case. This ensures that you are not putting your financial future at risk by pursuing your personal injury claim.

Please keep in mind that we are not an injury law firm and do not offer legal advice or representation. Nonetheless, our website contains useful tools that can assist you in understanding your legal rights and locating the best personal injury lawyer for you.

If you have been injured in an accident, you can also contact us to ask for a free opinion on any of the accident claims and compensation information on our site.

Our Latest Personal Injury Law Blogs & Guest Claims Posts

Find out more about us

With over 65,000 visits from 2010 to 2024, some of our most popular personal injury claims blogs posts over time have included the following:-

7 Examples of Medical Negligence

  • Learn about common instances of medical negligence that could lead to legal claims.

A List of Prominent Negligence Cases

  • Explore significant negligence cases that have shaped legal precedents.

Injury Lawyer Directory – Find the Best UK Personal Injury Law Firms

  • A directory to help you find top personal injury lawyers in the UK.

What Happens to Doctors Who are Guilty of Medical Malpractice

  • Discover the consequences doctors face when found guilty of medical malpractice.

Cities with the Most Car Accidents Per Capita

  • A list of cities with the highest rates of car accidents.

Guest Personal Injury Law Blogging & Content Marketing – Author Policies

  • Guidelines and policies for guest bloggers on personal injury law topics.

Juvenile vs. Adult Crime Rates- A Closer Look

  • A comparative analysis of crime rates between juveniles and adults.

Children With Sports Injuries: Who Is Liable?

  • Discussion on liability for sports-related injuries in children.

What State has the Most Lenient DUI/DWI Laws?

  • An overview of states with the most lenient DUI/DWI laws.

Health & Safety of Industrial Doors

  • Information on the safety standards and regulations for industrial doors.

What is the Body Worth: Looking at Injury Charts

  • How injury charts are used to determine the value of the human body in claims.

Do Bluetooth Systems in Vehicles Really Cut Down on Distracted Driving?

  • An analysis of the effectiveness of Bluetooth systems in reducing distracted driving.

Personal Vehicle Towing Liability for RV’ers

  • Liability concerns and regulations for RV owners who tow vehicles.

Common Latin Terms Used in Law

  • A guide to understanding frequently used Latin legal terms.

Claiming compensation for loss of taste and smell

  • Steps to claim compensation for loss of taste and smell due to injuries.

The Oldest Prisons in the U.S.

  • A historical look at some of the oldest prisons in the United States.

Trespassers Injured on Construction Sites – Can They Sue?

  • Legal implications of injuries to trespassers on construction sites.

What is the Settlement For A Knee Injury?

  • Typical settlements for knee injuries in personal injury claims.

Clinical negligence legal blog: Williams v Bermuda Hospitals Board – “material contribution” & causation

  • A detailed case study on clinical negligence and causation principles.

Top 10 Crazy Personal Injury Cases

  • A compilation of some of the most bizarre personal injury cases.

Common Car Malfunctions that Can Lead to Accidents

  • List of common car malfunctions that often result in accidents.

Personal Injury Attorney Legal Directory – Find Top Accident Attorneys USA

  • A directory to help you find top personal injury attorneys in the USA.

Best Ways to Decrease Ice Build-Up on Your Sidewalks and Driveways

  • Tips to prevent ice build-up on sidewalks and driveways during winter.


  • Contact information for Accident Claims Blawg.

Writing an Effective Demand Letter for Your Injury Claim

  • Guidance on drafting a compelling demand letter for injury claims.

The Division of Personal Injury Awards in a Texas Divorce

  • How personal injury awards are divided in Texas divorces.

An Overview of Bail Skipping

  • Explanation of the consequences and legal implications of bail skipping.

Golf Course Accidents: Who’s Liable For Injuries On The Link?

  • Liability issues surrounding accidents that occur on golf courses.

Understanding The Strengths And Weaknesses Of Your Case

  • How to evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of your legal case.

What is Market Share Liability?

  • An introduction to the concept of market share liability in law.

Premises Liability: Ohio “Recreational Use” statute

  • Details about Ohio’s “Recreational Use” statute and its implications for premises liability.

Top 5 Cities With The Highest Auto Accident Rates

  • A list of the top cities with the highest rates of auto accidents.

The Most Common Injuries Suffered by NBA Players

  • Common injuries that NBA players typically experience.

Guest Personal Injury Law Blogging & Content Marketing – Author Policies

  • Policies and guidelines for contributing as a guest blogger on personal injury law.

Please keep in mind that we are not an injury law firm and don’t ourselves provide legal advice. The information on this website is not itself accident claims legal advice, and it is not a lawyer referral service. Also, using the site does not create an attorney-client or confidential relationship, nor should it. The listings on this site do not in any way constitute a referral or endorsement. None of the information on this website is a guarantee, warranty, or legal advice about how a legal matter will turn out. But we do hope you find the initial information contained within of interest and best wishes with your situation.